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Maritime Crane Accident Lawyers

Navigating the perils of maritime work, especially for those operating or working around cranes, requires skill and diligence and an acute awareness of the ever-present dangers. At sea, the risks are magnified — the heavy machinery, unpredictable weather, and the inherent hazards of maritime environments create a unique set of challenges for crane operators and maritime workers.

Crane accidents at sea can be life-altering. The consequences are often severe, whether due to equipment failure, human error, or adverse conditions. The journey to recovery and compensation for injuries sustained in such accidents is not just a legal battle; it’s a personal one.

At Johnson Garcia, we understand maritime crane accidents’ complexities and gravity. Our team of maritime accident lawyers right here in Houston combines authoritative legal expertise and a relentless pursuit of justice. We are dedicated to guiding our clients through the process of damage recovery so that they can receive the support, representation, and compensation they deserve.

In the tumultuous aftermath of a maritime accident, Johnson Garcia stands as a beacon of hope and resilience. Our commitment goes beyond legal representation – we advocate for the safety, rights, and well-being of maritime workers in the face of adversity.

Maritime Crane Accident Lawyers

Call us today at 832-844-6700 for a free case evaluation with an experienced Houston work injury lawyer.

What Are the Biggest Dangers of Working With Cranes?

Working with cranes involves high stakes and significant risks. Understanding these dangers is crucial for ensuring safety and preparedness in the workplace. Here, we explore the most significant hazards associated with crane operations.

Struck by Objects or Equipment

The most common danger with cranes is being struck by objects or equipment. This can happen when materials fall from the crane, severely threatening anyone below. The impact of these falling objects can lead to catastrophic injuries or even fatalities.

Falls to Lower Level

Cranes often operate at great heights, and falls from these heights can be deadly. Workers operating or working near cranes are at risk of severe injuries or death due to falls from the crane or the crane’s platform.

Transportation Incidents

Transportation incidents involving the movement of the crane or materials it’s carrying can lead to serious accidents. These include collisions with other vehicles or structures, which can be particularly dangerous in crowded or compact job sites.

Overloading the Crane

Overloading is a critical risk factor. A crane carrying a load heavier than its capacity can lead to collapses, boom failures, or the crane tipping over, endangering everyone in the vicinity.

Contact with Overhead Power Lines

Crane contact with overhead power lines can result in electrocution, posing a severe risk to crane operators and other workers in the area. Maintaining a safe distance from power lines is essential for crane safety.

Mechanical Failures

Cranes are complex machinery, and mechanical failures can lead to serious accidents. Regular maintenance and inspections are crucial to ensure the crane operates safely and efficiently.

Inadequate Training and Supervision

Proper training and supervision are vital for safe crane operation. Inadequate training can lead to errors that endanger the operator and other workers on the site.

Crane Assembly Errors

Mistakes made during the assembly of a crane can lead to catastrophic failures. It’s crucial that cranes are assembled meticulously and in accordance with manufacturer specifications.

When Crane Dangers Become Reality

Despite strict safety protocols, accidents with cranes still occur, often with life-altering consequences. If you or a loved one has been affected by a crane-related accident, the path to justice and compensation can seem daunting.

That’s where Johnson Garcia Law steps in. With our deep understanding of crane accidents’ complexities and our commitment to relentless advocacy, we are well-equipped to handle even the most challenging cases. Don’t hesitate. Let us be your ally in seeking the compensation and closure you deserve after a crane accident.

What Are the Most Common Causes of Crane Accidents?

Understanding the root causes of crane accidents is crucial for prevention and ensuring workplace safety. Each of these common causes highlights a specific area of concern that needs careful attention.

Insufficient Maintenance

Regular maintenance is critical to crane safety. Neglecting routine checks can lead to worn-out parts and mechanical failures, which are the primary causes of accidents.

Poor Weather Conditions

Adverse weather, such as high winds or lightning, can drastically increase the risk of crane accidents. Operating a crane in such conditions requires extra caution and, often, the decision to cease operations until the weather improves.

Inadequate Site Planning

A well-planned site is essential for safe crane operation. Accidents often occur due to inadequate planning, where cranes are placed on unstable surfaces or in close proximity to hazards.

Communication Breakdown

Effective communication between the crane operator and ground crew is vital. Miscommunication can lead to serious accidents, particularly when lifting or moving loads.

Lack of Safety Zones

Not establishing or respecting safety zones around the crane can lead to accidents. These zones ensure that the area under and around the crane is clear of unnecessary personnel and equipment.

Defective Equipment

Sometimes, accidents are caused by inherent defects in the crane or its components. Regular checks and immediate action on any sign of equipment malfunction are crucial.

Bypassing Safety Devices

Disabling or ignoring built-in safety devices on cranes can lead to accidents. These safety features are designed to prevent dangerous operations and must always be functional and heeded.

Addressing the Causes, Securing Your Rights

Understanding the causes of your crane accident is a critical step in your pursuit of justice and compensation. At Johnson Garcia Law, we meticulously analyze every factor, from inadequate maintenance to communication breakdowns, to establish the strongest possible case for you.

Our expertise in identifying and addressing these common causes positions us to effectively advocate for your rights. If a crane accident has impacted your life, let Johnson Garcia Law be your sleuth detective, uncovering the causes and seeking the accountability and compensation you need and deserve.

What Are the Most Common Injuries in Crane Accidents?

Due to their magnitude and the heavy machinery involved, Crane accidents often result in severe injuries. These injuries not only cause immediate physical harm but can also have long-term effects on the victims’ lives. Understanding the most common injuries is essential for recognizing the seriousness of these accidents and the importance of seeking appropriate legal and medical help.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic Brain Injuries, or TBIs for short, are common in crane accidents, especially when workers are struck by heavy objects or fall from heights. These injuries can range from mild concussions to severe brain damage, impacting cognitive functions and quality of life.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries can occur from falls or being crushed by crane components. Such injuries can lead to paralysis, either partial or complete, drastically altering a person’s life and independence.

Broken Bones

The force exerted in crane accidents often results in broken or fractured bones. These injuries can require extensive medical intervention and prolonged recovery periods depending on the severity.


Severe crane accidents can lead to amputations, either during the incident or as a necessary medical procedure afterward. This kind of injury has significant physical and psychological impacts.


When cranes come into contact with power lines, electrocution injuries can occur. These are often severe and can result in burns, cardiac arrest, and other long-term health issues.

Crush Injuries

Crush injuries happen when an individual is pinned or trapped under a fallen crane or its load. These injuries are usually severe and can affect multiple body parts and internal organs.

Soft Tissue Injuries

Soft tissue injuries, such as strains, sprains, and lacerations, are common and can vary in severity. While they may seem less severe, they can still lead to chronic pain and disability.

Dealing with Medical Care in Crane Accident Injuries

The aftermath of sustaining an injury in a crane accident can be overwhelming and life-changing. At Johnson Garcia Law, we understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll these injuries can take. Our experienced team is dedicated to helping victims navigate the legal landscape to secure the compensation and support they need for their recovery and future. If you or a loved one has suffered an injury in a crane accident, Johnson Garcia Law is here to offer comprehensive legal assistance tailored to your unique situation.

How Is Liability Determined in Crane Accidents?

Determining liability in crane accidents is a complex process involving the analysis of various parties’ roles and responsibilities. The nature of these accidents often means that multiple entities could be at fault. Understanding how liability is assigned to each can be key to a successful legal claim.

The Crane Operator

Liability can often lie with the crane operator, especially if the accident was due to operational errors, such as failing to adhere to safety protocols or operating the crane under unsafe conditions. Determining the operator’s liability involves examining their training, experience, and actions at the time of the accident.

The Employer or Construction Company

Employers or construction companies can be held liable, particularly if the accident stemmed from inadequate safety measures, insufficient training, or failure to maintain the crane. Liability is assessed based on the company’s adherence to industry standards and regulations.

Crane Maintenance Personnel

The personnel responsible for maintaining the crane may be liable if a crane accident is due to mechanical failure or lack of maintenance. This involves scrutinizing maintenance records and practices to see if negligence played a role.

Crane Manufacturer

Manufacturers of cranes can be held liable under product liability laws if a design or manufacturing defect caused the accident. Investigation into the crane’s design, manufacturing process, and history of similar incidents is crucial in these cases.

On-Site Contractors and Subcontractors

Contractors and subcontractors involved in the operation site can also be liable, particularly if their actions or negligence contributed to the accident. Determining their liability involves examining their roles, responsibilities, and interactions with the crane operations.

The Important Role of the Jones Act Plays in Determining Liability

The Jones Act becomes a critical factor in determining liability in maritime crane accidents. This federal statute allows injured sailors to make claims and collect from their employers for the negligence of the ship owner, the captain, or fellow members of the crew. It’s essential to understand how this act applies in cases where crane accidents occur at sea or in navigable waters.

Navigating the Complexities of Liability in Crane Accidents

Determining liability in crane accidents is rarely straightforward, often involving multiple parties and complex legal considerations. This is where Johnson Garcia Law’s expertise becomes invaluable. With our in-depth knowledge and experience in crane accident cases, we adeptly navigate the intricate process of establishing liability to hold all responsible parties accountable.

What Types of Compensation Can I Receive for a Crane Accident?

Victims of crane accidents often face significant physical, emotional, and financial challenges. Understanding the types of compensation available is crucial for those affected, as it can provide much-needed support for recovery and rebuilding. Here are the key forms of compensation typically available in crane accident cases:

  • Medical Expenses. This covers the cost of hospital stays, surgeries, medications, physical therapy, and any ongoing medical treatments.
  • Lost Wages. Compensation for the income lost due to time off work following the accident.
  • Loss of Earning Capacity. If the injury impacts your ability to work in the future, you may be compensated for this loss.
  • Pain and Suffering. Addresses the physical pain and emotional distress caused by the accident and injuries.
  • Disability and Disfigurement. Compensation for any lasting disability or disfigurement resulting from the accident.
  • Emotional Distress. Covers the psychological impact of the accident, such as anxiety, depression, and PTSD.
  • Loss of Enjoyment of Life. If the injuries prevent you from enjoying your usual activities and hobbies.
  • Wrongful Death. In fatal crane accidents, the family of the deceased may receive compensation for funeral costs, loss of financial support, and emotional suffering.

Each crane accident case is unique, and the types of compensation available will depend on the specific circumstances and the extent of the injuries and losses incurred. Understanding these categories can help you gauge what to expect in terms of financial recovery.

Navigating the compensation process after a crane accident can be complex, but having a team of legal experts on your side who know the ins and outs of compensation you are entitled to can provide a clearer path forward in your recovery journey.

How Can the Maritime Crane Accident Lawyers at Johnson Garcia Help?

With over 35 years of expertise in Houston maritime law, our team at Johnson Garcia offers unparalleled support for those affected by maritime crane accidents. Not only are we deeply familiar with the nuances of maritime law, but we are also steadfast in their pursuit of justice. We’re prepared to take your case to court, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to your cause. Our approach combines comprehensive legal prowess with a fierce determination to advocate for your rights and well-being.

Looking for dedicated legal representation? Reach out to Johnson Garcia online today for a free consultation or call us at 832-844-6700 to find out more about our experienced maritime lawyers in Houston, who are ready to chart your course to a successful resolution.

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