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Tailgating Car Accident Lawyers

Tailgating Car Accident Lawyers

Tailgating, or following too closely behind another vehicle, is a dangerous driving behavior that often leads to rear-end collisions and serious injuries. If you or a loved one has been a victim of a tailgating car accident, it’s crucial to understand your legal rights and options.

Our experienced tailgating car accident lawyers are dedicated to representing the victims of such accidents. With a deep understanding of traffic laws and a commitment to justice, we are here to guide you through the legal process and advocate on your behalf.

Call us today at 832-844-6700 for a free case evaluation with an experienced Houston work injury lawyer.

What Does ‘Tailgating’ Mean?

Tailgating, in the context of driving, refers to the act of following another vehicle too closely. This behavior reduces the tailgating driver’s reaction time and increases the likelihood of a rear-end collision, especially if the vehicle in front suddenly stops or slows down.

While the specific legal definition of tailgating can vary from one jurisdiction to another, many states and cities have laws that require drivers to maintain a safe following distance. In Texas, for instance, the law states that a driver must maintain an “assured clear distance” between their vehicle and the vehicle they are following so as to avoid a collision. This means that drivers must always be able to stop safely if the vehicle in front of them stops suddenly. With Houston’s bustling traffic conditions, understanding and adhering to this law is especially crucial to ensure road safety.

Here are some common examples of what tailgating can look like:

  • Rapid Lane Changes. A driver switching lanes frequently and getting too close to the vehicle in front each time.
  • Highway Pressure. A driver pushing the vehicle ahead to go faster by staying close on highways or freeways.
  • Stop-and-Go Traffic. In heavy traffic conditions, a driver is not leaving enough space between vehicles, especially when traffic suddenly halts.
  • Aggressive Honking. Coupled with following too closely, a driver honks persistently to urge the front vehicle to speed up or change lanes.
  • Flashing Headlights. A tailgating driver might flash their headlights repeatedly to signal the car ahead to move out of the way.
  • Close Proximity at High Speeds. On open roads, a driver maintains a very close distance to the vehicle in front despite both vehicles moving at high speeds.

Clearly, the practice of tailgating can be very dangerous for both the tailgater and the vehicle being followed. In essence, tailgating compromises road safety for everyone involved and can result in severe injuries, property damage, and even fatalities. Drivers need to recognize the dangers of this behavior and maintain a safe following distance at all times.

Is Tailgating Illegal in Houston?

Tailgating is definitely illegal in Houston. In Texas, the Transportation Code Section 545.062 states that a driver must maintain a safe following distance, considering the speed of the vehicles, traffic conditions, and other factors. While the code doesn’t explicitly use the term “tailgating,” following too closely or not maintaining a safe distance can violate this law. This law is enforced in Houston, as part of Texas, and drivers can be ticketed for tailgating.

Engaging in tailgating not only puts the driver at risk of legal penalties but also endangers the lives of other road users. Rear-end collisions, often resulting from tailgating, can lead to severe injuries, property damage, and even fatalities. Additionally, drivers found at fault for accidents caused by tailgating may face higher insurance premiums, potential lawsuits, and even the suspension of their driving privileges in severe cases.

What Are Some Causes of Tailgating in Houston?

With its sprawling urban landscape and intricate network of highways, Houston witnesses a significant number of tailgating incidents each year. While tailgating is a dangerous driving behavior that can lead to severe accidents, understanding its underlying causes can help in devising strategies to mitigate it. Now let’s take a look at  some of the primary reasons drivers in Houston engage in this risky behavior.

Impatience and Road Rage

One of the most common reasons for tailgating is sheer impatience. Houston’s bustling roads, especially during rush hours, can test a driver’s patience. Some drivers use tailgating as a tactic to signal the car in front to speed up or change lanes. This aggressive driving behavior, often stemming from road rage, can escalate quickly, leading to dangerous situations.

Distracted Driving

The advent of smartphones and in-car entertainment systems has led to an increase in distracted driving. Drivers engrossed in texting, changing music, or attending calls might not realize they are following too closely until it’s too late. Distractions reduce the driver’s reaction time, making tailgating even more hazardous.

Misjudgment of Speed and Distance

Some drivers might unintentionally tailgate because they misjudge the speed of their vehicle or the distance to the car in front. This is especially common among new or inexperienced drivers who are still honing their driving skills. Overestimating one’s stopping capabilities or underestimating the speed of the leading vehicle can result in unintentional tailgating.

In summary, tailgating in Houston stems from various factors, including impatience, distractions, and misjudgments. As legal professionals, understanding these causes is pivotal. By advocating for victims of tailgating accidents and holding negligent drivers accountable, our dedicated lawyers at Johnson Garcia strive to make Houston’s roads safer and ensure that those affected receive the justice they deserve.

What Injuries Can Be Caused by Tailgating Accidents?

Tailgating accidents often lead to sudden and forceful rear-end collisions, which can result in a range of injuries. The severity of these injuries can vary based on the speed of the vehicles involved, the size and type of the vehicles, and other factors. Here are some of the injuries commonly associated with tailgating accidents:


Whiplash is not just a simple neck strain but can involve the stretching or tearing of muscles, ligaments, and tendons in the neck region. It results from the rapid back-and-forth motion of the neck during a collision. Symptoms can include neck pain, stiffness, headaches, and dizziness. In severe cases, whiplash can lead to chronic pain and complications that require long-term treatment.

Concussions and Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)

A concussion is a mild form of TBI caused by a blow or jolt to the head. Symptoms can range from headaches, confusion, and dizziness to more severe issues like memory problems or mood changes. More severe TBIs can result in prolonged unconsciousness, amnesia, or even permanent cognitive impairment.

Spinal Cord Injuries

The impact from a tailgating accident can exert significant force on the spine. This can lead to herniated discs, fractured vertebrae, or even damage to the spinal cord itself. Depending on the location and severity of the injury, victims might experience numbness, paralysis, or chronic pain.

Broken Bones

The force of the collision can lead to fractures in various parts of the body. Ribs might crack due to the pressure from seat belts, while arms or legs can break upon impact with the vehicle’s interior. Broken bones can require surgical intervention and prolonged rehabilitation.

Internal Injuries

The blunt force trauma from a rear-end collision can cause damage to internal organs like the lungs, liver, kidneys, or spleen. These injuries might not be immediately apparent but can lead to internal bleeding, which can be life-threatening if not treated promptly.

Lacerations and Abrasions

Sharp debris from shattered windows or twisted metal can cause deep cuts or lacerations. Additionally, the rapid deployment of airbags or the friction from seat belts can lead to abrasions or burns on the skin.

The aftermath of a tailgating accident can be both physically and emotionally traumatic. The range of potential injuries underscores the importance of driving safely and maintaining a proper following distance. Victims of such accidents should seek immediate medical attention, even if they feel fine initially, as some injuries might have delayed symptoms. Additionally, consulting with a legal professional can guide navigating the complexities of medical bills, insurance claims, and potential compensation.

How Can Johnson Garcia Help if You’ve Been Injured in a Tailgating Accident?

After a tailgating accident, the pain from your injuries can feel overwhelming, and it’s more than just physical. The maze of insurance paperwork and calls can be confusing and frustrating, especially when you’re trying to heal. And seeing medical bills pile up only adds to the stress. In these challenging times, having a dedicated Houston car accident lawyer by your side can make all the difference, guiding you through the legal process and advocating for your rights.

At Johnson Garcia, we genuinely understand what you’re going through. We’re here to stand by your side, ensuring you receive the medical care you deserve and that every treatment is properly documented. We’ll take on the insurance companies for you, navigating their complexities so you can focus on recovery.

With over 35+ years of experience, our commitment to victims of tailgating accidents is unwavering. If you’re seeking guidance and support during this difficult time, don’t hesitate. Call us at 832-844-6700 or reach out to us online. Let our seasoned Houston car accident lawyers be your advocate.

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